We are given guidance by the Lord through the Apostle Paul in His writing to the church at Ephesus. He says this in chapter 4:11-13
"Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. 13 This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ." NLT.
The point then is this: God has "gifted" certain people, those whom He has called to that ministry, with Christian Leadership Gifts to equip, build up and bring to maturity, the Church. Those Leadership gifts are manifested in their ministry "roles" that they fulfill. For most of us, a few of these roles and their subsequent gifting are obvious and easy to understand. But for some, there are two roles and gifting that cause intense problems for their theology. That's the office of the Apostle and the office of the Prophet.
We understand and can articulate what a Pastor does. Likewise, we understand and can articulate what an Evangelist does. We even understand and can articulate what it is a Teacher does. But, when it comes to the Apostle and the Prophet, the definitions and excuses for not understanding are varied and foggy. The unfortunate reality is that many Pentecostal/Charismatic Believers and Pastors, have gotten much of their theology from a some-what blurred quasi Cessationist viewpoint. We believe that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is for today, and that the Gifts of the Spirit are still in operation, but even in my own Traditional Pentecostal denomination, we cant define the "ROLE' and "FUNCTIONAL-GIFTING" of the Apostle and Prophet. We are very uncomfortable with this Leadership Ministry, and even more uncomfortable with referring to someone (male or female) as Apostle or Prophet. "Why don't you know Steve........ The gift of Apostle and Prophet died with the last of the Lords Apostles?" Uh oh, my Pentecostal Brother and Sister, be careful....... Your "cessationism" is showing! LOL! Brothers and Sisters, don't be confused! Either these 5-fold Leadership Gifts are ALL for today, or NONE of them are for today! Are we REALLY comfortable with saying that the gift of the Pastor has ceased with the last of the Lord's Apostles (Those who walked with and saw the Lord)? Or, that the gift of the Evangelist ceased at the end of the "APOSTOLIC-AGE?" Please don't tell Billy Graham nor Franklin nor Reinhard that! Of course not! Well then, its time for a "THEOLOGICAL EXTREME MAKE-OVER!"
I will be posting a blog entry in the very near future on the validity and necessity of the office and gifting of both the ministry of the Apostle and Prophet, and, the absolute necessity of the Body of Christ to be able to recognize these giftings and accept their ministries. I will delay that post for the sake of discussion. If you receive this blog, I am very interested in YOU posting a comment on your perception of the office and ministry of the Apostle and Prophet! Tell us what YOU think, and why! We will give it some time, and then post a blog about these ministries. Until then, tell us what you think! GOD BLESS YOU!---Steve.