I am aware of all the hype over 2012 (
See our post here entitled: "The End of the World"). And while I place no value in the predictions of destruction for 12/21/12, I do recognize that many people, even those who are not active followers of Jesus, sense that there is something exciting and new about 2012. That "
newness" can best be described by the Followers of Jesus Himself! It is not a description of destruction, but rather a description of a New Season in God's economy! What I mean is this. We have turned a page in the scheme of things as it relates to the Kingdom of God. We are in a brand new season that God has determined for His people. 2009 and 2010 were very hard times for the Body of Christ! Many Followers of Christ suffered severe economic issues. Many Pastors who were tired, empty, and 'burnt-out" decided to call it quits! Churches suffered reductions in giving due to the economic upheaval of our Country and there was a general feeling of despair that generated a feeling of depression for many Believers. Yes, the enemy had a "
field-day!" And in the midst of all of these attacks against the Body of Christ, you could hear the Holy Spirit saying to the Body: "
Hold-on, occupy, be strong in His might, a New Season is almost upon us!" And
THAT New Season arrived with the beginning of 2012!
My wife and I are not in the habit of making "New Years Resolutions." I find it quite discouraging to make a commitment out of the fact that it is a new year, only to fail within the first three months (
speaking from past experiences, LOL!!!) However, many Christian Leaders and Laity alike sense that there is something very unique and special about the year 2012. Dealing with what I believe makes 2012 so special in the Kingdom of God, I want to address two very important issues.
First, as Followers of Christ, life is best understood not from a linear mode of thinking, (i.e. Years, months, days, weeks, etc.), but rather from the understanding of '
SEASONS!" Listen to the Word of God on this subject from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace." NLT.
Solomon, the writer of Ecclesiastes, under the direction of the Holy Spirit informs us about this truth here. He gives a partial "list" of the types of activities that we as humans are engaged in all of our lives. These are the types of things that make up our existence here upon this earth at this time, but he begins by identifying these things within the framework of "SEASONS." The word 'season" here is the Hebrew word---zem-awn' which simply means: "A set time or appointed time." The dictionary of Bible Themes gives this definition: "Appropriate or appointed periods of time which are part of the variety and development of human life and experience and which influence human affairs. The times and seasons for individuals and nations are set by God, who works all things together towards the final fulfillment of his purposes."
With this understanding in mind, these "seasons" are God's appointed times among humanity for the purpose of His Kingdom and will. Therefore, life is best understood within the content of "seasons" rather than our typical linear understanding of Years, months, days, etc. That being said, 2012 is a brand new season for the People of God! While 2010 and 2011 were seasons of hardship, difficulty, and violent attacks from the enemy; 2012 is a New Season of blessing for God's people!
Second, prophetically speaking, 2012 is a brand New Season! As stated, many of God's Leadership and Laity alike, are saying that they believe the Holy Spirit has reveled to them that 2012 will be a VERY important year in the scheme of God's agenda. I believe several things are going to begin to happen in 2012 among the people of God. 1) Even though we will always be in battle with the forces of darkness, we are going to begin to see God begin to bless His People once more, moving into a brand new era of blessing for those who are obedient to God's will. 2) God is going to begin the "winnowing" process of separating
the "wheat from the tares" and the "sheep from the goats." We will begin to see the beginning of the "Great Falling Away" mentioned in the Word of God. This will not be a mass exodus from our churches, but will rather be a very recognizable separation between the merely religious and the devout Disciple of Christ. 3) Of a necessity, churches will begin to have to consolidate and come together, even combining congregations and ministeries together under one roof. Pastor's and Minister's will have to begin to become creative in redefining job descriptions and titles. Many churches will have to close, and either merge and consolidate with other congregations of Believers, or cease to exist. WHY? Because God DOES NOT BLESS DIVISION and if the Body of Christ will NOT voluntarily come together, God will FORCE the issue using the current economic crises! Denominational affiliations that have perpetuated many dividing lines, will cease to be as important to those who are being used by God. 4) Boldness in preaching and evangelism will increase as more and more Followers of Christ begin to sense both the urgency of the time and new anointing of the Holy Spirit. 5) Signs and wonders that point to the veracity
and validity of Christ will increase and again accompany the preaching of the Gospel, becoming expected and anticipated. This will NOT be for the "showmen" and the "charlatans" who rip-off and abuse the Body of Christ for personal gain and notoriety, but for the GENUINELY dedicated Followers of Jesus, EVEN the laity!
As we have already begun this "New Season," a sense of anticipation and expectancy seems to permeate the hearts of the People of God who are praying and seeking God to move once again among in His Church! In the appointed time of God, in this New Season, God is INDEED moving and His People feel it! SEEK HIM WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART, and get ready for God to move in your life, your church, and your country! WELCOME TO THIS NEW SEASON!
God Bless You!