Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How's Your Theology?

Are You Awake to the Truth?
Imagine if you will the difficulty in convincing someone that some of the beliefs they have adhered to concerning the Christian Church, perhaps even having been taught them since they were a child, are flawed.  Now allow me to explain that I am not referencing their salvation, for their individual salvation is an “easy” matter, as Christ has done all the hard work.  They accept the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the vicarious atonement, and by faith place their full confidence in Him for their salvation, and with those truths in mind, they are indeed saved!  This is not what I am referring to, for as most already know, the “entry door” to salvation is not necessitated by the correct doctrine in every aspect of Christian faith, but rather in the correct doctrine in just one truth, that being that Jesus Christ died for my sins, and by Faith I believe and receive His sacrifice for me.  Their salvation is not in doubt, but as we move on from the “point” of salvation, there is a whole lot of doctrine that is established upon that one basic life-altering truth! 
In fact, a whole system of faith and belief is then built upon that one central truth of salvation in Christ Jesus.  And from all of that additional elements of faith that are added to that central truth, and the various ways in which Followers of Christ interpret Scripture, we have formed the denominations of our day.  There is one specific element of theology and practice that is the focal point of this article, namely Ecclesiology.  Ecclesiology is the study of the Church, the Body of Christ.  Being even more specific, I am referencing here Western Ecclesiology.  Who we are, what we are, and the practices we engage in as the Body of Christ in the West.  Here in America, there is a certain “feel” to church.  We have certain specific “models” that serve as indicators of specific movements or denominations.  However, generally speaking, there is a certain continuity that exists between most of our American Churches.  Continuity not based upon belief and practice, but based upon non-belief and non-practice.  A singular element that binds most of our “Christian” churches together.  That element is the non-belief or non-practice of the “power” elements of the Christian Faith.  Many American churches either do not believe or do not practice signs and wonders, miracles, healings, or the Charismata.  Elements that became very necessary for the success of the early New Testament church!  Today, in America, we are trying to accomplish what the Church of the New Testament would never dream of attempting to accomplish, namely the proclamation of the gospel, devoid of the power of the gospel!  I would dare say that we can state that the early Christian Believers would have considered it outright disobedience to the Lord to attempt the advance of His Kingdom, through the preaching of the gospel, without the power of the Holy Spirit!  The command was given by the Lord Himself to His Disciples in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24 and the 49th verse:  "And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven."  Yet as so very important as to warrant a “command” from Christ to His Disciples, many of us today simply “dismiss” this crucial element of the Gospel proclamation!  On a daily basis in America, we the Church, “LEAVE” Jerusalem WITHOUT the power of the Holy Spirit, and as a result, we have reduced the Gospel of Jesus Christ to simply a …….”Good Moral Code of Living!”  A gospel full of a lot of principles, but not a lot of power!

So I reiterate my original statement:  “Imagine if you will the difficulty in convincing someone that some of the beliefs they have adhered to concerning the Christian Church, perhaps even having been taught them since they were a child, are flawed.”  Fully believing the Biblical truth that we have been in the “Last Days” since Pentecost, and that now, I believe, we are in the LAST of the “Last Days,” my heart beats very heavy to see us fulfill our task assigned us prior to Christ leaving this world to return to His Father, namely the evangelization of the world!  With this understanding, I now ask a very pertinent question in regard to my original statement above.  “How do we, the American Church, think we can possibly succeed in changing our Country through the proclamation of the gospel of Christ, when we do not have the necessary power of the gospel of Christ?”  The Bible informs us of a very sobering fact in the Last Days (sorry to my Dispensational friends but I do not relegate all of the end-Times elements to a futurative way-off-in-the-distant fulfillment), in Revelation 12:12---Therefore, rejoice, O heavens!   And you who live in the heavens, rejoice!  But terror will come on the earth and the sea, for the devil has come down to you in great anger,  knowing that he has little time.”  In addition to this verse, the Apostle Paul warns his “Son-in-the-Faith,” Timothy, to be on guard for the advance of the devil’s anger and attack in the last of the “Last Days.”  Paul identifies for Timothy and for all of us, the “spirits” of the enemy that will be released upon the earth in these Last Days (SEE:  2 Tim. 3), for which we are to be “on guard” from.  Those “spirits” are here, and they are VERY active in the Western branch of the Christian Church! 
Think of it!  If you were satan, and you desired to stop the fulfillment of the Church’s commission, then of a necessity you would need to divest the Church of her “POWER!”  However, you could not just “take-away” the churches power, you would have to be very creative in “HOW” you took away that power!  You would have to convince many of the Church’s Pastors, Teachers, Professors, Denominational Leaders, and Laity alike; that the “power-elements” of the Gospel had ceased!  Now, you would have to leave in some of the elements of the original gospel, or the Body of Christ would simply dismiss this attempt as an attack from satan.  Satan knew he would lose “some” people who were in desperate situations and were ready to believe the mere truth of the gospel without the power of the gospel, and those were “casualties he was willing to accept.  However, he also knew, better than many in the Church that the day was coming when he would unleash all of hell upon this earth to propagate his evil will.  Now if the Church, that ONE-FORCE that could STOP his hellish onslaught, could be altered enough to where they would settle for a few, when God had given them the world, then in the long run, he would be successful!  You see the devil is not trying to keep ALL people from salvation, for he knows that is impossible, so he is willing to let some be saved, just not the WORLD!  The Church, having just the “TRUTH” of the gospel, and not the “POWER” of the gospel, would indeed win some, but overall their impact would be minimal!
Brothers and Sisters, our impact had been minimal!  Jesus Himself identified for us as His Followers the necessity of both “Truth” and “Spirit!”  In John 4:23-24---“But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”  If this is the essential twin-elements for approaching God in worship, how hard is it to realize how much more we would need these twin-truths in evangelism?  We have left Jerusalem without the power of the Holy Spirit!  We have the TRUTH, but we do not have the SPIRIT or His power!  Our impact has indeed been minimal recently, but we have the potential to have the type of impact that the “gates of hell” cannot prevail against!  What do we need to do?  Go BACK to Jerusalem to the Upper Room and seek and receive the “promise of the Father,” which is the Holy Spirit in all of His gifting and power!
Now to respond to my original statement………Only God, by the ministry of His Holy Spirit, can convince someone through the Spirit’s illumination of the Word of God that they have been living below their privileged place of power and purpose!  For the light makes everything visible. This is why it is said, “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”   So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise!”---Ephesians 5:14-15 NLT.

---Pastor Steve Gardner

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Reduction of Christianity!

The American Church is "RIPE" for Revival!
At the time of the writing of this post, I am celebrating 32 years as a Credentialed minister.  Twenty four of those years have been as a Senior Pastor.  This longevity of ministry in one particular type of ministry has provided me with some insight into the climate and condition of the American Church, from a Pastoral perspective.  I am so very excited to genuinely believe in my heart that the American Church is "RIPE' for revival..............Genuine Revival!  REFORMATION" type renewal and revival!
Not just a period of enjoyed spiritual vim and vigor, but "

Believe it or not, I am in the minority among those who study the spiritual climate and condition of the American Church.  Many believe that when speaking of the terms of "revival" and "renewal," they can only be referenced in application to the American Church in a limited manner.  "Pockets" of revival perhaps, on a localized limited scale, is the best that some say we will ever see again in this Country.  However, I am of the opinion that based upon two spiritual factors, in fact two-contrary factors, the Church in America is about to have "REFORMATION" explode upon the spiritual landscape and within our churches!  Entire communities are seeing the joining of "forces" between once rivaled churches for the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ!  Outpourings of the Holy Spirit are showing up in traditionally non-Spirit Filled churches, and even largely within entire denominations.  God is up to something really, REALLY grand right now!

Those two opposing factors I refer to are this:  1) The kairos {καιρός}of God.  That is, this "PARTICULAR" time in which we find ourselves living in, right now, within the calendar of God.  Kairos is one of the Greek words for time.  Unlike chronos which speaks of consecutive-linear chronological time, kairos speaks of the "correct" time or proper time.  We may think of it as the "right time" for a certain thing to happen or transpire!  Right now, within the Kingdom of God, we have entered the "kairos" of God for American Renewal and Revival!  2) Is what I have labeled as the "Christian-Reduction" factor.  This is the unfortunate factor that identifies the fact that for much of the Christian Church in America, the reality of what it means to be a Disciple of Jesus has been severely "reduced" from what Christ originally intended it to be, and what the Early Church practiced it as.  In short, the "Christianity" of the American Church has largely been reduced to a mentality of "what Christianity can do for me!"   Many Christian Believers within the American Church live week to week "drawing from the well" of benefits and blessings of being a Follower of Jesus, with little or no thought as to what this same faith may require of them!  "How can my faith in Christ make life easier and help me through the hardness of this life?...........has largely replaced,........"Take up your cross and Follow me!"

Please understand,..........There are ENORMOUS benefits and blessings to serving Christ!  In fact I pray for those blessings from time to time to come into mine and my families lives.  Rescue and survival, are the initial necessary elements of our conversion!  However, when the continued sum totality of our Christian life and discipleship is solely for our blessing or survival, then we have "MISSED" the necessary element of what it means to be a Disciple of Jesus!  God blesses, YES!  But serving Christ means "replicating" the character and life-qualities of Christ, including SACRIFICE and SERVICE!  Not fun, not popular, and doesn't sell many books, but nevertheless ......TRUE!  Many of us have been so "mesmerized" by a "Consumerist-Christianity" that we fail to see that witnessing, sharing Christ, helping others, healing the sick, strengthening and enabling by the power of the Holy Spirit are NOT just activities that we do,...................They are WHO WE ARE!

Oh Lord,.....Here our prayer and once again send...REVIVAL!
Sunday after Sunday, week after week, Believers "slide" up to the table of God's goodness only to feast on those blessings, and give little or no thought to what is NOW expected of us since we have FILLED ourselves with His Word and Spirit!  Pastors plead for helpers!  Communities go untouched!  Lives go unchanged!  The hungry (physically/spiritually/emotionally/relationally) go unfed!  We are SATISFIED, BLESSED, AND guaranteed to make it through ONE-MORE-WEEK, but the "Cause of Christ" is forgotten about yet again ONE MORE WEEK!  Thank God He provides!  thank God He saves!  Thank God He heals!  thank God we can take EVERY need to Him in prayer and expect He will meet those needs!  Yes, thank God for ALL His blessings,.................BUT WE ARE BLESSED, SO WE CAN BE A BLESSING!  Brothers and Sisters, this world and those in it have suffered enough of the CURSES that satan and sin brings upon them!  It is time for those of us with the power to BLESS through CHRIST, begin to.................BLESS!  This will only happen when we stop "reducing" Christianity, and start living up to the standard of Christ, as the Holy Spirit enables us!  As a minister of the Most High God, I call Myself and ALL of  Us as His Followers, to REPENTANCE!