Monday, November 21, 2022

Are We Guilty of the Sin of Complicity?

Recently we concluded the Midterm elections in the United States. Our next major Federal election will be in 2024 for the President of the United States. The question then is…”Have we as Followers of Jesus, been complicit in the sins perpetuated by politicians we have voted for?” By that, I mean, have we, because of Family or Personal traditions, voted for candidates that have promoted the murdering of babies through abortion or the promotion of the LGBTQ+ agenda? And while I have, like you, heard some Christians on Facebook complain about the demeanor and language of some politicians. We must understand that that is not on the same level as murdering children and promoting policies that destroy the very fabric of the family. The days of following a Political Party simply because our parents or Grandparents did are not viable anymore. And while we cannot expect Politicians to have a lifestyle similar to that of our Church Leaders, we must never be complicit in the murder of children nor the promotion of Homosexuality by casting our votes for candidates that promote the same. If Complicity is enough to get a person convicted of a crime, it is also enough to cause us to sin before our Holy God!