Tuesday, September 20, 2022


In the heart of 2020 during the pandemic, the Lord gave me a word that I shared with the church I pastor. The word the Lord gave me was: “Churches cannot return to business as usual! Those that try to, will soon die a death of irrelevancy, and soon after, will die out all together!” Brothers and Sisters, this is a very strong Prophetic word from the Lord! It has been said that we are “beings of habit.” This is true, and in addition, we are beings that like that which is familiar and comfortable, this is true even for Followers of Jesus. Even as Spirit-Empowered Believers, we seek the familiar and comfortable. I am not ashamed that I am a Pentecostal and I LOVE Pentecostal style preaching and worship! BUT, Worship services that are energized,…….Preaching that is exuberant and excitable, all of which are intrinsically good things, can become, if we are not careful, a “return” to that which is “familiar” and “comfortable;” and “NORMAL.” So many of our Pastors started broadcasting on Facebook and other media outlets, but were eager to get back to “normal.” Often times not realizing (unfortunately) that God had given to each Pastor broadcasting, a brand new “CAMPUS” and an opportunity to participate in the “Finish-Commitment” in a manner not previously engaged in. However, we LOVE “FAMILIAR;”…we love “COMFORTABLE;”…we love “NORMAL!” But our “normal” is never returning! Demonic spirits that have been kept in “reserve” for these Last of the Last-Days have now been released! And with them, manifestations of perversion and evil, the likes of which we have never seen before! Who, other than people deceived by demonic deception would look at a Young Elementary School child and think…”Hey, I wonder if they would like to be a different gender other than what they were biologically born as?” What society, other than a demonically deceived one finds an inability to describe what a woman is? Who would ever think that a person can “choose” to “identify” as whatever pops up in their mind each day? What type of society rescues dogs but cheers for, and passes legislation to kill human babies? I’ll tell you what kind society, a society experiencing the onslaught of demonic spirits now released that have been “on-deck” waiting for this Eschatological time we are now living in. Familiar?...Comfortable?...Normal?...NO my Brothers and Sisters, that is a fantasy stooped in a “Norman Rockwell” type of longing for a more simpler time; …….and it’s NOT coming back! So, what do we as Pastors do, and what are our Churches to do? We adjust! Not the Message, not the power of the Holy Spirit, not holiness; but rather, instead of longing for the “return to normal,” embrace the Eschatological time we have been blessed to live in! Go ahead and pastor your new online campus that God has given you, don’t complain about it,…embrace it! Don’t give into the temptation to “return-to-normal” but seek a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit! Pray that God pours out on YOUR congregation(s) the Gifts of the Spirit; Signs and Wonders; Miracles; and Healings! LET THE HOLY SPIRIT HAVE HIS WAY!!! REPENT AND PRAY FOR…….REVIVAL!!! God bless you ALL!