Friday, January 27, 2017

Modern Day Apostles and Prophets!

Modern Day Apostles and Prophets

There are several weapons that the devil has formed and uses against the Church of Jesus Christ in America.  Some of those weapons have been used very successfully by him to keep the Church off track, keep it weak, keep it bond in mere religious activities, or utterly destroy it.  In the very near future, we will be addressing some of these weapons in detail.  However, for today’s blog posting, I would like to discuss one of the most successful weapons the devil has ever used against the Body of Christ.  And, what makes this weapon so destructive and successful, is in many cases the Church is helping the devil perpetuate this weapon.  What is this weapon Steve?  It is the division of the Ministry Leadership or “Ascension Gifts” that God established for His Body the Church!  Let’s take a look at these Leadership Gifts God gave to the Church:

Ephesians 4:7-8 & 11-13 NIV.

But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. This is why it[a] says: When he ascended on high, he took many captives and gave gifts to his people.” 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

These five Leadership Gifts given by Christ Himself make up the Leadership Offices of the Body of Christ.  The craftily devised attack of the devil, is to get many segments [Isn’t that an interesting use of words?] of the Church to believe that some of these Leadership Gifts are no longer needed or in use today.  Just for a moment, think what would happen if with your car you accepted the engine, the battery, the cooling system but REJECTED the steering wheel and the transmission!....... You wouldn’t get very FAR!  This is the EXACT plan of the devil for the Church!  Get many to believe, and even teach, that certain parts of the Leadership “Engine” of the Church is not for today;……………… And the Body of Christ doesn’t get VERY FAR!

The division created by the devil within the Leadership Structure of the Church is this:  For the most part, EVERYONE accepts the gifting and offices of Pastor, Evangelist, and Teacher.  However, many of these same people, blinded by this cleverly devised plan of deception by the devil, deny the remaining two Gifts of Leadership within the Body of Christ, namely Apostle and Prophet!  The Apostle and Prophet, which according to the Apostle Paul, just happens to be the “Foundation” of the Church God established, with Christ Jesus as the “CORNER STONE!”  Isn’t that interesting?.......... Those gifts that are relegated to the past ONLY, just happen to be the ones that Christ uses as the FOUNDATION of His Church! 

Ephesians 2:19-20

19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.

1 Corinthians 12:28

28 And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues.

These 2-Gifts just happen to be the Gifts that when used properly, establishes Churches, corrects Churches, corrects the Body of error, speaks the Words of the Lord, points out sins, strengthens Pastors and Churches, and hears “what the Spirit is saying to the Church!”  Now, if I were the devil, ……….. THOSE are the two gifts I would try to eliminate, and sadly, he has been extremely successful!  He has been successful even among those who claim to be Spirit-Filled, for even among these Believers, there are many that do not even recognize these Gifts and Offices! 

Interestingly enough, one has to remember that it is Christ who gives these Gifts to the Church, to develop, strengthen, and establish HIS body.  Also interesting, is the fact that Jesus was either referred to, or modeled, each of these Gifts He was giving to the Church!  Let me show you:

Of course we know that no one can dispute the fact that Jesus, in His ministry here on earth, was the consummate Evangelist, winning MANY souls to the Kingdom of God!

But, He was also referred to as “Teacher” as well…

John 3:2

He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”

Jesus was also referred to as our “Shepherd” (The term for “Pastor”)…

1 Peter 2:25

25 For “you were like sheep going astray,” but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.

……..Also as Prophet…..

Matthew 21:11

11 The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.”

….And, as Apostle……

Hebrews 3:1

Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.

However, the devil knew that he could not leave a vacancy, a giant “hole” in the Leadership of the Church, so he cleverly rearranged the Gifts given by God to the Church, and with the Churches support, we elevated those with the Gift of Administration to the Leadership “slot” that was meant for the Apostles and Prophets.  Now please understand, the Gift of Administration is a VERY needed Gift, given by God Himself to the Church!  However, in most Denominational Structures, those with this gift, lead those denominations in place of the Apostles and Prophets.  What is so unfortunate is, many within the Body of Christ don’t even recognize the absence of these 2-Foundational Leadership Gifts or the “rearranging” of the remaining Gifts!  But someone may ask:  But Steve, the Church of Jesus Christ in America has done some wonderful ministries, and has helped many people and causes!  If we were absent of these two Gifts, why was this able to be accomplished?”  And in response I would say:  This is very true!”  A lot of good ministry has been done through the Church, but, what might have been accomplished IF we had the proper Leadership Structure in place?”  Let me illustrate my point this way.  My Family and I live in Tennessee but we like to go to Florida every now and then for vacation and we usually drive there.  Now, if we got in the car and put it in REVERSE and got on the highway and drove all the way to Florida in REVERSE, we would certainly get there EVENTUALLY, but imagine how much faster we could get there driving FORWARD?  We have done a LOT of good through the Church, with the INCORRECT Leadership structure!  Imagine what could be done with the CORRECT Leadership Structure in place!

The Lord is reminding HIS Church, that HE has put together a Leadership structure for His Church, and more and more Followers of Jesus are beginning to see the truth and absolute necessity for the Modern Day Apostles and Prophets, to complete the task of advancing His Kingdom to the WHOLE WORLD!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Song of the Artist!

A long time ago, and in centuries past,

A meeting occurred, a strategy to last.

It was easy to see, this Church would be trouble,

To completely succeed, the devils efforts must be double.

And, so with the skill of a master deceiver,

The devil launched an attack against every Believer.

We must reduce their weapons, if we are to win,

They are much too mighty against our strongholds of sin.

“Get them to divide the things God was giving,

The things the Lord meant them to use, in this world they were living.”

The sacred and secular, the two we will divide,

The talents they’ve been given, we will get them to hide.

To see the world they live in, as a much hated place,

Instead of a world in much need of God’s grace.

We must get them to turn their back on their creativity and skill,

The things they could use, for the disease they could heal.

The Art’s they must go, with their banter and rhyme,

They are just a distraction, for which we haven’t the time.

Paintings, and music, and even the dance,

We will certainly live holy, and leave nothing to chance.

It really doesn’t matter what God would want them to do,

We will play to their self-righteousness, oh, what a fool!

They’ll hate all the things they could use for the Lord,

They’ll say it’s not righteous, as they misinterpret the Word.

The sacred and secular, God never meant that divide to occur,

For He is the Lord, and to Him we should confer,

How far does His redemption reach into the night?

To what should the Church, purify with its Light.

Call those things evil, and tools of sin,

And never redeem the things in humanity, which lie within.

The Artistic, the Creative, they are just a distraction,

The folly of the world, against which, we must take action.

Repent!  We scream with self-righteous fire,

The passion you feel, is just an evil desire.

Don’t use the arts, or any creative skill,

They are lies of the devil, and your walk it will kill.

Instead withdraw into your own little world,

Sing you Christian songs; let the holy banners be unfurled.

We will not be like them, we say in our pride,

And the candle of truth, from them forever we hide.

Oh, how we feel so righteous, in our self-centered glee,

As we call for the world to repent, and become like me.

Leave the art, the dance, and even more,

Forsake all your talents, and walk through this door.

Into a world that is ever so bleakly painted gray,

And then wonder why we have no revival, like in the good ol’ day.

The devil laughs, this was much too easy,

I’ve got them to believe that culture is sleazy.

They bought into the lie, with its righteous holy sound,

And the world continues on, in their sins they are bound.

Because the Bride of Christ, took the gifts of the Groom,

And locked them forever away, in a dark isolated room.

And failed to use what God, meant to convey His pure light,

And left the world staggering in the darkness of night.

But, we’ve stood for holiness, we cry with self-righteous joy!

We’ve never partaken of his tricks or the evil one’s ploy.

Oh, but my Bride, what have you done?

You’ve failed to redeem it, for the glory of my Son.

I gave you the tools, the truth to them you were to carry,

And the talents I gave you, instead you did bury.

You hated the art, thinking you were so right,

But I your God am the Artist, who painted the stars into the night.

I gave you these things to show the world true life,

Instead in self-righteous glee, you caused chaos and strife.

You belittled the ones I gave special gifts to,

You said “the things they do, oh we will never do!”

We will live holy and pure, and honor the Lord,

Withdraw from the people, the culture; the world.

You have failed to realize this whole world is mine,

My Son took ownership from the devil, in my perfect time.

And commissioned you to go into all of the world,

Redeem it by my Spirit, and proclaim my Holy word.

Instead you had dinners, and parties galore.

Instead of a Bride, you became a cheap whore!

You are not what I planned to give to my Son,

Come back to me my people, unite and be one.

Embrace the gifts I gave you, with thankfulness and glee,

Redeem this world completely, by showing them Me.

Do not despise what I’ve given for you in this life,

Represent and redeem, and be to my Son, a pure wife.

Let your light so shine into the darkness of night,

Get back into this battle, this war, and this fight.

Use all the gifts I gave you, to proclaim my dear Son,

And be ever so faithful, ‘til you hear Me say “well done!”

And never call what I have made, evil and unclean,

Use it for My Kingdom, let my Grace now be seen.

And then once again you will see the people begin to come,

To hear of my mercy, and by faith accept My Son.

Here once again, I give you the tools,

Don’t fall for false righteousness, don’t be the devil’s fools.

His lies he will intensify, because he knows his time is short,

He’ll try ever so hard, my Word to contort.

But stand by My Spirit, and upon my True Word,

Proclaim it in power, with beauty unfurled.

To the Bride I am calling, use all that you’ve got,

Never cease from your commission, never quit, never stop.

I will soon be here to get you, and bring you to me,

And then, oh my child, such dancing you will see!

Such joy and gladness, I’ll have for you there,

But remember my prayer, as it is in heaven, so here.

Embrace what I’ve given you, the culture and art,

Employ the gifts I’ve given you, it is time once again to start.

And I will use you once again with my Holy Spirit’s power,

You will see my mighty works, as I reveal Myself each hour.

Yes, the devil met with his demons, the Church to destroy,

I laugh at his efforts, for I have turned around his master ploy.

And now my People, they have begun to see,

The things I have given, I have meant for them to receive.

The talents they now consecrate, the gifts I have given,

Will be used by my Spirit, to lead many souls home to heaven!

And what will you do with this poem you now read,

Will you accept it, embrace it, and to its truth now heed?

Will you begin to see all things belong to our Lord?

Both the sacred and secular can be redeemed by His Word.

Will you now never again, His gifts to despise,

Instead in His power, as the Church now arise.

And not withdraw from this world to which we have been sent,

But teach them the truth, and how to repent.

Use now the gifts that the Artist has given,

Represent Him now upon this earth, as in heaven.

And pray His Kingdom come, until our work here is done,

And one day we will celebrate and dance, in the Joy of the Son!

~~By Pastor Steve Gardner